Gebr. Schwarz presents check to children's charity
After a felicitous anniversary celebration, in June 2016, it was time complying our promise to hand over officially the donation of our guests, to the organization "children need peace". The donation of 5.200, - Euro was presented to Cornelia Bierlmeier, Hubert Rapp and Jürgen Müller on June 28th with a symbolic check.
"Children need peace" was established in 1993 and is recognized as a charitable organization. The auxiliary focus is currently in the project countries Croatia, Bulgaria, Rwanda, Sri Lanka and the Republic of Congo. Important elements of the work are the provision of food, organization and support health care, education and vocational training, the construction and repair of homes, school meals, playgrounds, holiday programs, the provision of infrastructure (wells, etc.). Children need peace relies on a long-term commitment to the supported projects and works in all countries with local partners.
A donation in this amount is for our association a great help, especially when you consider that you can provide a malnourished child on the day with 1.50 Euros, explained Cornelia Bierlmeier – 1st Head of organization. We as Gebr. Schwarz would expressly like to take this opportunity to thank our business partners for their generosity. In this way we jointly celebrated a beautiful jubilee and did many children in this world something good, said by the Managing Directors Uwe Schwarz and Jens Roth as a final statement.